Supplier Diversity Certification
There are many different supplier diversity certifications available to businesses, however, as a regulated utility in California, SJW can only accept certifications within the Supplier Clearinghouse database (sometimes referred to as California Public Utilities Commission or CPUC certification).
Who is in Charge of Certification?
The Supplier Certification process is administered by, a third party certifying agency authorized by the California Joint Utilities Committee to review supplier applications and conduct a screening process for DBE certification. Service Disable Veteran certification is obtained through the California Department of General Services (DGS) and automatically ported to the CPUC Clearinghouse database.
If a supplier is certified by one of the three comparable agencies, the supplier would qualify for CPUC comparable certification. The supplier must apply to the CPUC for comparable certification. See below for comparable certification agencies include WMBE/LGBTBE certification in good standing with the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), and/or the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). Only the NMSDC, WBENC, and NGLCC are accepted as comparable agencies.
To receive information about how to become a certified DBE, visit The Supplier Clearinghouse website or contact:
(562) 325-8685 & (800) 359-7998 (8am - 5pm Pacific Time)
(562) 278-0153 & (888) 549-3803
3525 Hyland Avenue, Suite 135, Costa Mesa, CA 92626